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Understanding how to use SEO for a law firm is a great step for lawyers. SEO can take your legal practice to another level. 

According to a Google Consumer Survey, 96% of people seeking legal advice use search engines. According to FindLaw U.S Consumer Legal Needs Survey, 87% of people who contact a lawyer they find online go on to hire a lawyer.  

SEO can help your law firm generate more leads. But how does it even work? What are the things you need to do for people seeking legal representation to find you?

Here, we’ll discuss how SEO works for a better understanding and appreciation of the online marketing strategy. Read on!

How To Use SEO For A Law Firm

A Google Legal Service study indicates that 74% of consumers visit a law firm’s website to take action. They contact law firms and hire them.

Consumers are looking for you. They want to hire a competent lawyer like you for their jobs. But this can only happen if they can find your website and get your contact. 

Forget about the hundreds of law firm websites out there or law firms with substantial marketing budgets to run ads. With SEO, you can put your law firm in front of serious clients. Follow SEO best practices and keep pushing even after your website starts to appear in search engine result pages for targeted keywords. 

Note: If you need assistance with SEO for law firm, contact the Law Firm SEO Expert Agency. Take charge of your SEO and set your business up for online success. 

Here is how you can use SEO effectively to grow your law firm. 

1: Use the right keywords:

Use the right keywords.

You already have a website at this point. The next thing to concentrate on is finding the right keyword.

Assuming that content is a vehicle, the keyword is the gasoline needed to drive the vehicle. That’s how to understand the relationship between content and keywords. Remember that Google will analyze your content and keyword to determine how well it matches the search query. 

Finding the right keyword is the first and one of the most essential steps in optimizing your website. And ensure you target long-tail keywords. 

Use search terms or keywords that match your practice area. For instance, “lawyer in Orlando” is a broad search term. By the way, your law firm can’t handle all types of litigation, can it?

Use long-tail keywords or search terms that match your practice area. 

  • Orlando personal injury lawyer
  • Orlando business lawyer
  • Lansing criminal defense attorney
  • Cleveland divorce attorney
  • Business lawyer Austin

You will find the right keywords through in-depth keyword research using cutting-edge technology. Remember, the most important thing is finding the right keyword that matches your practice area and location (city). 

A Handy Tip: The more targeted and specific your keywords are, the more likely you will attract qualified organic traffic and leads. 

Here are some of the tools used to conduct keyword research:

  • Ahrefs
  • SEMrush
  • SpyFu
  • KWFinder
  • Wordtracker
  • Google Keyword Planner 

Ensure your target keywords have steady to good traffic. Additionally, the level of competition should be manageable. With this type of keyword, there is a high possibility of ranking and converting at a higher rate. 

2: Write quality content:

Write quality content.

After keyword research, the next step is to write content on your website. Use the keyword to conduct research and produce 100% unique, information-packed, and relevant content. 

Your content should provide value to readers. It should contain valuable information and solve visitors’ problems satisfactorily. 

The quality of the content on your law firm’s website can influence visitors’ decisions. High-quality content proves you’re a competent lawyer and know your onions. 

So, populate your website with high-quality and relevant content to build trust and lower your bounce rate.  

A Handy Tip: Put yourself in your visitors’ shoes when writing content for your law firm’s website. Ask yourself, will the content provide value to your visitors? 

When writing your content, consider Google (search engines) and readers. Optimize your content for Google and other search engines. And remember, your readers aren’t on your page to check for the keywords you used, but the information you provided. 

Content allows you to create a first impression, so make it count. Provide content that will make potential clients develop more trust in your law firm. 

3. Make your website keyword-rich:

Make your website keyword-rich.

The next step is to optimize your website using your target keywords. Why? Your keyword and content help search engines decide if your content perfectly matches users’ search queries.

Use your page’s keyword in the primary elements of your website. These include the H1, H2, H3, and others (headlines and subheadings). 

Use the keyword in your content strategically and in your call to action. And avoid keyword cannibalization. Only point a keyword per page. 

A Handy Tip: Use your main (primary) keyword in the H1 (Headline). Remember, the primary keyword implies the keyword you want your law firm website to rank highest for. 

Your primary keyword should align with your practice area. For instance, if you’re a personal injury lawyer and have your law firm in Orlando, Florida, your primary keyword could be “personal Injury lawyer Orlando” or Orlando personal injury lawyer. 

You can also add the keyword and other keywords you want to rank for in your subheading. 

4: Spy on your competitors:

Spy on your competitors.

Professional boxers study their opponents before a match to understand how to overcome them. Failure to investigate an opponent and have a game plan can cost a boxer a match.

You can apply the same principle and mindset to your law firm’s SEO project. Learn about your competitors to know who you’re dealing with. Find out what they are doing differently to rank. 

Pay attention to factors that can impact search engine results most. Check them out below:

  • Check out their backlinks
  • Visit the blog section to see if they update it regularly
  • Do they have keywords sprinkled on the headings and subheadings?
  • Is the site responsive and mobile-friendly?
  • Consider the site speed. Does the site load quickly?  

You can create the best SEO plan to outrank your competitors when you find the answers to these questions. But if you don’t have the SEO knowledge and time, find a competent SEO expert to help you. The good news is you can get help from the Law firm SEO Expert Agency.  

4: Build quality backlinks:

Build quality backlinks.

If you have successfully examined your competitors, you must have seen the numerous backlinks they have built over the years. Backlinks are one of Google’s main ranking factors. I said ‘one of the main ranking factors” because Google considers several factors to rank a website. 

What are backlinks, by the way? They refer to links in other websites pointing to your website. These links are an essential off-page SEO strategy. They help lead internet users and search engine crawlers to your web page. 

Backlinks contribute to an increase in traffic and ranking. However, bear in mind that different backlinks exist. 

  • Do-follow
  • No-follow

Understand the difference between do-follow and no-follow links. While the do-follow links allow search engines (Google) to point back to your website or blog, the no-follow backlinks don’t.

So, the do-follow links strengthen your authority more. The no-follow links don’t boost PageRank or help promote better SERP placement. 

A Handy Tip: Focusing only on do-follow backlinks will create suspicion. It will give Google and other search engines the wrong signal. Instead, have a healthy balance of do-follow and no-follow links. 

5: Take your local SEO strategy seriously:

Take your local SEO strategy seriously.

Tons of people conduct location-based searches online every day. Some search business directories for law firms capable of representing them. 

How do you improve your local SEO? You can do so by listing your business on reputable business directories. Examples include Google My Business (GMB), Yelp, and LinkedIn. 

Having a GMB profile will make it a breeze for potential customers to find you. Additionally, it will make it easier for potential clients to contact you. 

A Handy Tip: Publish your phone number, business name, address, emails, and other relevant information about your law firm on business directories. And ensure all your information is accurate too. 

GMB profiles offer customers a chance to leave reviews for businesses. Positive online reviews will make potential clients feel more confident about choosing you to handle their jobs. 


We have explained how to use SEO for a law firm. You can even deduce how SEO can help make your law firm more profitable from the explanation we just gave. 

Understand that SEO is complicated. Another thing that makes it even more complex is the regular Google algorithm updates rolled out now and then.

With a new update comes a change in Google’s ranking factors, which usually affects a lot of websites. Most websites may even lose their places on Google ranking. 

Follow SEO best practices and have a plan to outrank your competitors. You can reach out to the legal SEO Expert for help.

Julhas Alam

Julhas Alam is a seasoned SEO strategist and the leading voice behind the insightful articles at LawFirmSEOExpert.com. With a rich background in digital marketing and a specialized focus on the legal sector, Julhas combines industry expertise with a deep understanding of SEO to deliver actionable insights and strategies tailored for law firms. Holding a passion for data-driven results and cutting-edge SEO techniques, Julhas has been instrumental in boosting online visibility and client acquisition for numerous law practices. When not dissecting search engine algorithms or exploring the latest digital marketing trends, Julhas enjoys reading success stories of other businesses, adding a personal touch to their professional acumen.