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Today, we’re focusing on a crucial question: “Can lawyers advertise on Facebook?”  Facebook is by far the biggest social media platform in the world. It has 2.94 billion active users

Facebook ad campaigns are also less expensive than pay-per-click (PPC) advertising. While keyword bidding might cost $100+, you’ll spend less than $3 to run a similar campaign on Facebook. 

Advertising on Facebook will benefit any business. But the question is, does Facebook allow lawyers to advertise? If yes, can lawyers benefit from running Facebook adverts? I’ll address all the questions and provide more information on the topic to help you make an informed decision. 

Can Lawyers Advertise on Facebook? 

Yes, lawyers can advertise their law firms on Facebook. You can promote your law firm on Facebook to millions of people in your location. 

There are no laws or rules that prohibit lawyers from advertising. The only type of advert Facebook doesn’t accept are:

  • Illicit or recreational drugs
  • Dangerous or unsafe substances or supplements
  • Weapons, ammunition, and explosive devices or their accessories. 

If you aren’t planning to promote the sale of the items mentioned above, Facebook won’t reject your advert. 

Advertising on Facebook is a wise decision for law firms for different reasons. We will discuss the benefits in our next post. But keep in mind that you can advertise your business on Facebook. The platform doesn’t forbid that. 

Benefits Of Advertising Your Law Firm On Facebook

Advertising on Facebook might be the best decision for your law firm, besides investing in search engine optimization (SEO). Combining both strategies will ensure you have higher opportunities to get clients. 

We all know that search engine optimization is the best strategy to grow a business online. Though Facebook advert is less expensive than pay-per-click, SEO is far cheaper in the long run. If you follow SEO best practices, search engines will rank your website high, and you’ll get sustainable traffic. 

Well, we are not here to discuss search engine optimization. Instead, the focus is on Facebook advertising and how you get clients via paid adverts on the platform. 

So, what are the benefits of running Facebook adverts for your law firm? Check them out below. 

1: Facebook’s Massive Audience:

Facebook has a broad audience, so advertising your business on the platform is a great way to create awareness and get clients. The platform has an audience that spans the entire world, so your digital ads will reach many people who ordinarily wouldn’t have come across your law firm. 

Facebook is the biggest social media platform in the world. And its broad audience means you can easily target many people in your location. Surprisingly, many people in the area where your business is located are on Facebook. They’ll likely come across your ads on the platform. 

2: Ability To narrow and target a specific audience:

 Behavioral and demographic targeting are two ways to narrow your audience on Facebook. You can target particular demographics based on location, age, interests, gender, and even language. 

Being able to narrow down your audience on Facebook gives the platform a competitive edge over Google’s pay-per-click advertising. On Facebook, you can target a specific audience. You can even narrow your target audience to people visiting your website or engaging your profile. 

On the contrary, Google advert doesn’t offer such. With pay-per-click advertising, you’ll be targeting a broader audience. That is why Facebook ads experts will tell you that advertising on Facebook is more beneficial for any business. 

Being able to narrow down your audience on Facebook means your adverts and the message they carry will reach the right people. 

3: Create brand awareness:

Advertising your law firm on Facebook can help you create massive brand awareness in your geographical location. Your business will be at the forefront of potential customer’s minds. 

Once your law firm stays on top of people’s minds, you’ll be the first they’ll contact you whenever they need legal advice. Facebook ads can help you create awareness for your law firm, which can lead to increased patronage. 

4: Increase traffic and lead generation:

Do you want to increase traffic to your website and turn visitors into paying clients? Facebook advertising is another strategy you can deploy besides search engine optimization. 

With Facebook adverts, your target audience will visit your website, get your details and contact you. If they find your legal services satisfactory, they will keep hiring you. 

5: Adverts on Facebook are cost-effective and scalable:

If you are familiar with Google ads, you’ll appreciate the budget-friendliness of Facebook ads. Any company can run adverts on Facebook. It doesn’t matter the company’s marketing budget or size. 

You can run an advert for as small as $5 or $10,000 daily. You can adjust your ad spending if you exceed your budget. Facebook adverts will give you such freedom. 

6: World’s third most visited website:

Facebook is the third most visited website in the world. The first is Google, while the second is YouTube, owned by Google. That is why advertising your law firm on Facebook is a great idea. It is one of the most audience-rich platforms in the world.

7: Create an email list:  

One of the advantages or benefits of running Facebook adverts is the opportunity to gain access to your visitors’ emails. Facebook adverts will give you access to numerous data belonging to your audience, including the emails tied to their accounts. 

You can build an email list and occasionally send well-crafted newsletters to those in your email list. Nurture them into paying customers by reminding them of your services and how you can help them solve varied problems. 

Tips To Run Facebook Adverts For Your Law Firm

Acquiring the basic knowledge of running Facebook adverts seems like a walk in the park for anyone. The aspect that most people encounter challenges is when it comes to implementation. 

Facebook’s algorithm is more intelligent than most of us think. And the latest algorithm changes have even made running ads more demanding. Now, your adverts must be relevant to users. It is only then that Facebook will display it to your target audience. 

Whether you’re trying to run an advert for your law firm website; the tips below will help you to get it right. Keep on reading!

1: Create high-quality post: 

Content creation is the first step. So, your first approach to creating a Facebook advert begins away from Facebook itself. Instead, it starts from your law firm’s website. 

You need a high-quality, information-packed, and enticing post to lure your target audience to click your Facebook ads. Your headline must be catchy and prove to prospects that you are an authority in the legal subject matter you’re writing on. 

The creation and distribution of high-quality and valuable content is called content marketing. When you write content that entices people, they’ll click on your adverts. Facebook’s algorithm has also changed over the years. Users must create valuable and relevant content before Facebook can display it to a broader audience. 

When you create content like “7 things to expect in a personal injury case,” prospects who know someone or have a similar case will show interest in your post. Some may read your content and may not take action immediately. But don’t worry; they may likely take action in the future. 

When the time to hire or recommend a personal injury lawyer comes, they’ll remember your law firm. So don’t create content because you need one for your Facebook advert. Create content that provides value to your readers. 

2: Learn about how the Facebook ads auctioning system works:  

Before you start bidding, understand how the Facebook advert auctioning system works. It will help you create ads that the Facebook algorithm will consider the ideal advert to display to your target audience. 

Understand that advertising space on Facebook is finite. Because of that, the platform designed an auctioning system to pick the best option for the audience. 

You may assume that placing the highest bid will increase your chances of winning the auction, but that isn’t the case with Facebook. The platform places little emphasis on bids. Instead, it considers how relevant and engaging your ads will be to the users. 

If the Facebook algorithm finds your ad to be more relevant, valuable, and engaging to users, you’ll win the auction regardless of how much your bid is. 

Now, here is how the auction system works. 

If you place a maximum bid of $2 and another person’s maximum bid is $1.5, and you eventually win the auction, Facebook will ask you to pay the minimum amount of $1.51. 

Remember, your maximum bid was $2, but Facebook is asking you to pay $1.51 because your ad won the auction. It tells you all you need to know about the Facebook auctioning system. It is not all about the highest bidder but the value of the ad. Will it entice your target audience? That is what the platform is looking at. 

3: Create a Facebook page for your law firm:

Does your law firm already have a page on Facebook? If it doesn’t have a page, create one right away. It will benefit your business and marketing campaign. 

Having a Facebook will help you create awareness about your law firm organically. It will also allow clients to rate and review your law firm. 

Reviews, as you already know, are powerful social proof. They can convince prospects to consider you for their cases. When people see that others rate you high and are saying marvelous things about your legal service, they’ll have the confidence to hire you. 

A Handy Tip: Feel free to ask your satisfied clients for reviews. Request for honest reviews about your business, and ensure you respond to every review on your Facebook page. 

When I say “every review,” I mean both the positive and negative. Note that many clients will still patronize a business even when they come across negative reviews on your Facebook page. They will consider how you responded to the client’s complaints to judge your commitment to customer satisfaction. 

If your response shows that you care and want to help the client solve the problem, others who encounter the negative review will appreciate your effort to make things right. But if you ignore the clients who dropped the negative review, prospects may have a terrible view of your customer service and commitment to client satisfaction. 

4: Optimize your Facebook page:   

It is essential to optimize your Facebook page posts to set yourself up for massive success in the future. Facebook has only provided a platform. Now, your task is to make your posts appealing to your target audience. Facebook won’t do that for you. 

Follow Facebook’s best practices to create a page and posts that will bring success. The tips include:

  • Creatively use high-quality images, videos, GIFs, and infographics to capture attention. 
  • Understand your audience and create posts that entice, engage, and add value to them. 
  • Make your posts and ads simple, and tailor them to meet your target audience. 
  • Pin essential posts on your page
  • Ensure your posts are actionable

5: Decide your campaign objective:

 Facebook Ad Manager is where everything happens. So, head to the Facebook Ads Manager to create your ad. You’ll find the Facebook Ad Manager on your screen’s right hand side. Click “Create Ad” to begin. 

Identify your campaign objective. If your law firm has a website, and you want more visitors to your website, choose “traffic” as the objective and “website” as your conversion location. 

6: Identify your target audience: 

Who are the people you want your advert to get to? It is an essential aspect of your ad. Your Facebook ad isn’t targeting everyone on the platform but a specific audience. 

Facebook is a large platform with a massive audience. There are also diverse targeting options that make it so easy for users to target specific audience segments.

For instance, a divorce lawyer may want to target people searching for information about divorce. 

7: Work on your campaign budget and schedule:

When running campaigns on Facebook, you’ll encounter several options to pay for your ad. Check them out below:

  • Daily budget Vs. Lifetime budget
  • Cost per click of automation Vs manual bids. 

Choose your budget and schedule to kick-start your ad campaign. 

8: Start formatting your Facebook advert:

There are two ways you can do this. You can use an existing post or create a new advert from scratch. The choice is yours. 

If you choose to create a new ad, it means that you must have a blog post (you need the URL to the post) and add a primary text. But remember to add a catchy headline. Your headline is what many will consider before clicking your ad. 

If you wish to use an existing post for your ad, you can use a high-quality post. Your post probably has likes and shares, which will add value to it. The likes, comments, and shares will serve as strong social proof, enticing others who are seeing the ads for the first time to click on them.

9: Publish your Facebook advert: 

Preview your ad campaign before publishing it. Check the primary text used (if you’re creating a new ad) or if there are better posts than the one you’re using (if you want to use an existing post). 

If you’re confident your ad will be successful, go ahead and publish it.  

10: Monitor your advert’s performance:

It is vital to keep an eye on your Facebook advert. Monitor the performance to make informed decisions. Don’t be the type that sets an ad and forgets it. Monitor the performance to know whether you’re getting clicks or not. 

If an ad campaign brings many clicks, you can start another ad ( a similar one). But if the ad isn’t getting enough clicks, consider using a different post the next time you run your ad. 

When you monitor your ads, you’ll know how much you have spent and decide if spending more is worth it. Of course, if you’re getting clicks, you should run the ad for a more extended period. 

A Handy Tip: Visit the Facebook Ads Manager to monitor your ad. Then, go to “Ad Reporting.”


Can lawyers run Facebook ad campaigns? Legal professionals can advertise on Facebook as long as they follow the rules. The content you are using for your ad must be engaging and relevant. You mustn’t promote products, events, or services Facebook prohibits. 

Running ads on Facebook is a strategy that can bring you massive success. The platform has the largest active users, so there’s a high chance your ads will reach your target audience. 

We explained the benefits of Facebook ads and tips to help you run your ads successfully. Note that advertising on Facebook and investing in SEO can help you achieve your marketing goals faster. So, contact the Law Firm SEO Expert if you need help with search engine optimization. 

Julhas Alam

Julhas Alam is a seasoned SEO strategist and the leading voice behind the insightful articles at LawFirmSEOExpert.com. With a rich background in digital marketing and a specialized focus on the legal sector, Julhas combines industry expertise with a deep understanding of SEO to deliver actionable insights and strategies tailored for law firms. Holding a passion for data-driven results and cutting-edge SEO techniques, Julhas has been instrumental in boosting online visibility and client acquisition for numerous law practices. When not dissecting search engine algorithms or exploring the latest digital marketing trends, Julhas enjoys reading success stories of other businesses, adding a personal touch to their professional acumen.