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Do you own a family law firm? Is your family law attorney website design top-notch? If yes, you’re setting up your legal firm for present and future success. 

Your website is the first thing potential clients will have contact with. Then, they will navigate your site, consume your content, and view your achievements, testimonials, and profiles of your legal team. A satisfied potential client will contact you after navigating your website. 

Here, we will discuss what you need to know about family law firm website design to enable you to make an informed decision. 

The Importance of Having A Quality Family Law Attorney Website Design

Having a website is essential for a family law firm. But before you start building a website, think of how you want your clients to view your law firm. 

When you build a great website, you’re automatically setting up your business for online success. But how is this even necessary? Isn’t having a social media account enough for a family law firm? No, it’s not enough. You need a website and a great one as such. 

Check out the importance of building a quality website for your family legal firm. 

1. It makes your family law firm look more professional:

It takes a few seconds for visitors to form an opinion about brands upon landing on the website. So, the quality of your website will determine the opinion prospects will have about your firm. 

Of course, your website design is one of many things visitors will consider when evaluating your legal firm. But then, bear in mind that it’s the first thing your visitors will come in contact with. 

Having a great website can make prospects respect you. It will help them to form a positive and satisfactory opinion about your legal firm. 

If the reverse is the case, you could lose clients’ respect. A poor-quality website can make most clients consider a law firm as unserious and unprofessional. 

So, if you want to look professional and give visitors no room to underrate your law firm, ensure your website design is out of this world. 

Actionable Tip: Having a website is like purchasing land. Over time, the value of that land appreciates. Similarly, the value of your website will appreciate over time. But unlike a piece of land, you must put in the work to increase your website’s value. This include publishing quality content and acquiring quality backlinks. 

However, having a great website will set you up for online marketing success. It will convince prospects that you’re a serious legal firm and worthy of consideration. 

So hire a website designer who has the knowledge, experience, and skill set to create a befitting website for your family law firm. Note that your website represents your brand. It is similar to your physical office. 

2. Eliminates doubt in the minds of prospects:

When customers land on your website and discover that it is stunning, any doubt they have about your legal firm will disappear. Quality content and a well-organized website will help reinforce your visitors’ beliefs about your law firm.

Trust is the foundation of business success. Prospects will only consider doing business with a law firm they trust. Nobody approaches a law firm with the mind of losing a case. That’s why people will prefer to approach a lawyer they trust and believe would help them get justice or freedom.

Please note that having a great website isn’t the only thing that will convince most potential clients to trust your law firm. But then, having a poor-quality website won’t help either. 

A poorly designed website will create doubts in potential clients’ minds. Only a law firm that doesn’t care about its reputation would have such a website. 

Actionable Tips: Your website doesn’t need to be flashy to convince prospects that you are a reputable legal firm. And you don’t need to break the bank to create a professional-looking website that will elevate your brand’s reputation.  

Assign your family law firm website design project to a competent web designer to get the best outcome. A website designer who knows what works and what doesn’t for law firms will help you build a website that represents your brand. 

3. Benefits your search engine marketing effort:

Search engine optimization is an important online marketing technique that can increase your law firm’s caseloads and revenue. With an effective SEO strategy, your law firm will rank high in search engine result pages of your targeted keywords. 

Search engine optimization (SEO) involves on-page, off-page, and technical SEO. The technique SEO focuses on the functionality of your website. 

These include your website speed, mobile-friendliness, URL structure, and others. And these elements influence user experience (UX). 

A great website would have an impressive loading speed. It will load in under 3 seconds. Google appreciates websites that load fast. It even wants websites to load in under half a second. 

People have a short attention span. So, don’t expect visitors to sit around waiting for a website to load. Research indicates that organic traffic drops for every additional second a website takes to load. 

If a website takes longer to load, most prospects will move to other law firms. To them, the owner of the slow website is unserious with the business. That’s how most visitors view websites with terrible loading speeds. 

Website loading speed affects user experience. And Google gives priority to websites with optimal user experience. A great website will have an impressive loading time, leading to a higher ranking on the search engine result page. 

Your search engine marketing effort will yield better results if you have a great website. Since your website loads faster, organic traffic would increase massively.  

Actionable Tip: Keep an eye on your site’s loading speed. Have an expert monitor your website’s loading speed and take action whenever they notice that your website’s loading speed has dropped. 

4. Increase in website visitors:

How does having a great website increase your visitors? It’s simple. A great website is mobile-friendly. It should have a responsive design, making it easy to access on all screens. 

Mobile-friendliness is a major Google ranking factor. Google will give priority to mobile-friendly websites before considering the ones that aren’t. 

In other words, Google will rank a website that is mobile-friendly higher than one that isn’t. So, your chances of ranking higher increase when you choose a responsive design.

A responsive design will increase your website visitors, because your website operates seamlessly on all screens. In other words, mobile device users can access and view your website the same way a desktop user will view the website.

Mobile device users don’t have to strain their eyes to read the texts on your website. They don’t even have to zoom in to read or find a section of your website cut off from the devices’ screen. 

Mobile search has increased massively over the years. In fact, there are more mobile phone users than there are people in the world. 

Mobile search accounts for over 60% of website traffic, which means that there is a higher chance of people accessing your family law website via mobile devices than desktop users.

Making your website mobile-friendly means you won’t lose out on visitors who want to access your website on their mobile phones. When visitors land on your website via mobile device, they can read your content and find your contact information with ease.

Actionable Tip: Your website designer should know how to create a mobile-friendly website for your family law firm. Your designer should be able to choose a responsive design that will make your website a breeze to access on all screen sizes and types. 

If you already have a family legal firm website, you can check if your website is mobile-friendly. If not, hire an expert to help fix the issue. Your website can be made mobile-friendly. 

5. A lower bounce rate and higher dwell time:

How do you feel when you walk into a well-organized and professional-looking office? You’ll definitely feel comfortable being around there. In fact, most visitors may want to stay longer in that office. 

Visitors feel the same way when they land in a well-designed and organized office. They will take their time to admire your website before even consuming your content or searching for your contact information. 

A good quality website sends the right message about your brand to potential clients. They’ll feel comfortable being on your website and navigating from page to page. 

Visitors who admire your website and content will be comfortable recommending you to their contacts, friends, and followers. They will be comfortable showing off your website and content to others. 

The more time prospects spend on your website, the higher the dwell time and the lower the bounce rate. Of course, bounce rate and dwell time aren’t ranking factors, but they can have some influence on search rankings.

For instance, when people spend more time on your website and content, Google assumes that they did because they liked what they saw. Google will assume that your website and content are high-quality, and that is the reason people are spending a lot of time on your site. 

Google’s interest is to help users find the most accurate and valuable information. So if it discovers that your blog posts are valuable owing to users’ activities, it will rank you high on the search engine result page. 

Ranking high means you’ll receive more organic traffic. With quality content, you can turn your visitors into serious clients. 

6. Easy navigation and optimal user experience:

The majority of a website’s visitors won’t return to a website if they encounter difficulty accessing it. They would rather visitor competitors than spend time on a website that proves difficult to navigate. 

To deliver a great user experience, ensure your website is a breeze to navigate. Use clear and concise descriptions for each menu item, and make your contact information easy to find. 

There’s no need for you to hide your contact information. Instead, ensure they are bold enough for prospects to find and contact you. 

Arrange your content in a hierarchy. Additionally, a search box should be set up to enable visitors to conduct easy searches for content and other information. 

By doing so, you’re making the lives of your visitors a breeze whenever they land on your website. In return, expect repeat visits from prospects. 

Even if some of your visitors might not have an interest in hiring you immediately, they will be quick to approach you whenever they need legal representation. 

Making your website a breeze to navigate will help prospects learn more about your law firm and get your contact information with ease. It will help prospects gain access to all the information they need to be convinced that hiring you is the best decision for their cases. 

How To Create A Family Law Attorney Website That Converts

Creating a high-converting family law firm goes beyond aesthetics; it involves having a firm understanding of family law’s sensitive nature. It also includes knowing how to establish a professional connection with potential clients. 

Follow the steps below to create a high-converting family law website. 

1. Know your firm’s online persona:

Digital success is attainable once you are able to define your firm’s online persona. These include your family law firm’s potential client. 

Learn about your potential clients’ demographics, interests, and requirements. This will benefit your marketing efforts. 

When you know your clients, you can refine your brand message to convince them to consider you for their cases. An authentic brand message will help set your family law firm apart. 

Your brand message helps to shape potential clients’ perceptions about your brand. It shows your brand’s values, services, and expertise.  It adds a unique personality to your brand. 

You can implement your brand image by helping your law firm build genuine values that resonate with your team and clients. Use those values to shape your brand message and brand design. 

Prospects are comfortable doing business with brands they can trust and have a healthy rapport with. That’s why establishing a genuine brand message can help your business achieve marketing success.  

Building a solid brand image will help set your family law firm apart. And when clients see that you’re different and consistent, they feel more comfortable hiring you for their cases. 

Actionable Tips: Brand messages are crucial, and so are visual elements. Visual elements help shape your brand’s identity. Prospects will recognize your brand wherever they find your company’s visual materials. 

When we talk about visual elements, we’re referring to things like color palettes, logos, iconography, and topography. These elements must stay consistent. Otherwise, you’ll leave potential clients confused and lose your brand identity. 

2. Pattern your family law attorney design to address potential clients’ concerns:

As a family lawyer or firm, you’re going to be dealing with cases where emotions are always high. So, it’s a highly sensitive field. 

For this reason, clients want to feel understood, reassured, and assisted. They want their questions answered, doubts cleared, and sufficient legal assistance provided. 

You can achieve all of this when building your family law attorney website. How? Firstly, highlight your practice area. Let potential clients see that you are qualified to handle their cases and render legal advice. 

When indicating the practice area of each team member on your website, make it as detailed as possible. It should be concise but contain all the information that will help prospects understand that you’re qualified to help them. 

Another way you can tailor your family law firm website to meet and address potential clients’ concerns is via content. Your content has to be high-quality and unique. Create thought-provoking content that addresses potential clients’ concerns. 

Your content should be simple to understand, even though legal content is sometimes difficult to understand. Furthermore, endeavor to break down complex legal terms as much as you can.  

Include real-life case studies in your website. Remember, you want potential clients to trust you and have an understanding of the route their cases might take. By reading other potential clients’ content, your prospects would have an idea of how their cases might turn out. This could help build their confidence and trust in your legal service. 

Another important step you can take to make your family attorney website convert high is your contact information. You don’t want clients to keep looking for means to contact you. 

Include your law firm website’s contact information on all the pages. That way, potential clients can contact you once they are convinced that you’re the right legal professional for them. 

Actionable Tip: Drawing inspiration from existing law firm websites is an acceptable practice. Check the websites of potential competitors to have an idea of how your law firm’s website should be. 

By examining potential clients’ websites, you can get more ideas on how to make your law firm’s website stand out. 

The below tips can also help portray your practice area and professionalism with precision. 

  • Keep your website design simple but classy. You don’t need to make your website too flashy to capture potential clients’ attention. Instead, make it simple and professional. 
  • Consider using intuitive navigation. Make it easier for prospects to visit different sections of your website. Note that website visitors are more likely to return when they have easy access to a site’s web pages. 
  • Put a face on your law firm. Create a profile for each member of your law firm, giving detailed and concise information about their practice area. You can highlight the most iconic achievements of each member of your legal team. And have their pictures (headshots) added to the website. 
  • Include your law firm’s physical address on your website, not just phone numbers and emails. Most clients would prefer to visit you in person as opposed to interacting with you online or via other means. 
  • Display a picture of your family law firm. You can share the front view and inside view of your firm. Show clients several sections of your website to help humanize your family law firm. 

3. Implement effective search engine optimization (SEO) strategies for your family law firm:

Search engine optimization is crucial for your family attorney business’ online success. It can help you rank high in search engines, making it a breeze for potential clients to find you. 

SEO involves diverse strategies. There are on-page, off-page, technical, and even local search engine optimization strategies. 

The on-page SEO involves activities carried out on your website or put in place to improve your search ranking and organic traffic. Off-page SEO includes the opposite.  It involves activities done outside a website to improve its ranking and traffic. 

You can help your law firm build a solid online reputation by implementing effective on-page and off-page SEO strategies. On-page SEO involves creating high-value content and strategically placing keywords in the content. 

Here are strategic places to insert your keyword when doing on-page SEO:

  • Content
  • Title tags
  • Meta description
  • Headers (H1, H2, etc)
  • Alt Text
  • URL

Insert your keywords into these key sections of your content and avoid any unethical SEO practices. What this means is to avoid keyword stuffing or cannibalization. 

Keyword stuffing includes trying to force a keyword into your content excessively. Google considers this keyword usage technique as unethical SEO practices and penalizes websites that commit such grave offenses. 

Google sees keyword stuffing as the website owners’ attempt to get the algorithm to rank them higher. Back then, keyword stuffing was popular and effective, but not anymore.

Keyword cannibalization is another keyword usage strategy Google dislikes. It involves targeting a similar keyword on two or more separate web pages. This gets Google confused about the right page to rank high. 

When Google discovers that you’re targeting the same keyword on two or more pages, it will rank the page whose content is the lowest quality. Alternatively, Google may decide against ranking any of the sites involved in the unethical SEO practice.     

Actionable Tip: SEO is important for the success of your law firm. It has a better ROI compared to other marketing strategies. 

Once you start ranking, you’ll keep getting sustainable organic traffic. But keep in mind that SEO isn’t a one-off strategy. You need to consistently monitor, refine, and implement new SEO tactics to stay ahead of your competitors. 

The technical SEO involves improving your website speed and making it mobile-friendly. By increasing your website speed, visitors will have easy access to your site and get your contact information. 

You also need to make your website mobile-friendly and fast-loading to rank high in search engines. Google appreciates websites that load fast and have a responsive design. Your visitors will also appreciate navigating a website with a responsive design. 


Your family law attorney website design is important because it determines how successful your law firm will be. A well-designed site will help your legal firm create a good first impression. 

People are comfortable doing business with a company they trust. Law firm clients want to hire the most competent legal practitioner for their cases. 

We have discussed the importance of having a great website and how to create a family law firm website that converts. Now, all that is left is to hire a competent website designer to help create a stunning website for your law firm. Even if you already have a website, it’s never too late to work on your site’s design.

Julhas Alam

Julhas Alam is a seasoned SEO strategist and the leading voice behind the insightful articles at LawFirmSEOExpert.com. With a rich background in digital marketing and a specialized focus on the legal sector, Julhas combines industry expertise with a deep understanding of SEO to deliver actionable insights and strategies tailored for law firms. Holding a passion for data-driven results and cutting-edge SEO techniques, Julhas has been instrumental in boosting online visibility and client acquisition for numerous law practices. When not dissecting search engine algorithms or exploring the latest digital marketing trends, Julhas enjoys reading success stories of other businesses, adding a personal touch to their professional acumen.