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Is video marketing for law firms an effective means to get new clients? Yes, it is. Online videos allow law firms to showcase their expertise and build trust. 

By providing valuable legal insights, case studies, and tips via videos, you can establish yourself as an industry leader. 

In this post, we will discuss all you need to know about video marketing for lawyers. Learn valuable tips to implement effective video marketing strategies for your law firm. Read on!

What Is Video Marketing For Law Firms?

Video marketing for legal firms involves using videos to showcase your professional services to a wider audience. It’s one of the ways law firms can establish themselves as thought leaders and improve brand credibility. 

Consider it as a ticket for your law firm to reach a wider and more active audience on video-focused platforms like YouTube and TikTok. And as you already know, YouTube is the second most visited search engine, while Google remains the first. 

Research shows that videos are shared 1200% more than images and text. This means you can increase social shares and reach more potential clients by implementing a robust video marketing strategy. 

Besides YouTube and TikTok, other social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and even LinkedIn have started giving attention to video content. Now, you can upload videos on Facebook, Twitter, and even LinkedIn with ease.

Now, it’s easier to create and upload content on social media. Anyone can take out their mobile phones and start making videos. 

Is Video Marketing For Law Firms Effective?

Ecommerce and retail businesses are enjoying massive successes with video marketing. This has made many attorneys wonder if they can achieve similar success with video marketing. 

According to HubSpot, 96%of marketers have accepted that video creation is an important marketing strategy. With videos, potential clients can understand a brand’s products and services perfectly. 

Law firms can achieve success with video marketing. However, the results may vary from one law firm to another, depending on the strategies implemented.

Video marketing can offer your law firm an opportunity to acquire new clients. However, there are important steps to follow when marketing your law firm via videos. We will discuss them shortly. 

How Video Marketing Can Transform Your Law Firm

We have established that video marketing can be a great strategy for your law firm to achieve success. But how will it actually benefit your law firm? 

1. Video marketing improves engagement:

Did you know that people view, share, and comment on video content more than texts and images combined? This explains the effectiveness of video marketing for your law firm.

However, the quality and value of your video will determine the number of people who will share, comment, and spend time watching your videos. So, make it a habit to produce high-quality videos for your law firm consistently. 

Research shows videos get 12 times more shares than text and images. This shows you can reach a new audience and inspire more prospects to develop an interest in your law firm. 

2. Build a solid relationship with your audience:

Since videos attract more comments, you’ll have the opportunity to interact and build robust relationships with potential clients. 

Responding to comments on your videos is a great way to connect with potential clients and show them your law firm is client-focused. Clients feel valued when brands respond to their comments. 

3. Improve your law firm’s website traffic:

Publishing videos on your social media accounts can increase your website traffic. When people watch your videos and like them, they will want to visit your website to learn more about your law firm. 

Even if some of the visitors won’t hire a solicitor immediately, they always return whenever the need to hire one arises. So, publishing quality videos will bring more traffic to your website. 

To ensure you get website traffic, publish your videos on your social media account and insert a link to your website. If you’re using Facebook, you can insert the link in the comment section. 

YouTube users can also do the same. You can insert the link to your website in the description or comment section. Ask potential clients to visit your website for more videos, helpful content, and free consultation. 

It’s not enough to insert your link in the comment section or description of your post. State what you want potential clients to do. 

You should also remember to ask your visitors to comment and share your videos. This is important for YouTube, Facebook, and other social media platforms.

4. Improve your website ranking:

How do videos help to improve your website ranking? When you upload quality videos on your website, visitors will spend 88% more time on your website. 

The longer visitors stay on your website, the higher your dwell time. However, dwell time isn’t a direct ranking factor but an important signal that helps Google to gauge the relevance of your content to visitors. 

A higher dwell time means visitors consider your content relevant. Google can’t ignore such a signal. Do you know why? The search engine giant appreciates websites that deliver better user experience. 

So when you publish quality videos, you’re improving your law firm’s chance of ranking high in search engines. 

5. Video content increases recall:

Research shows that people can easily remember 95% of a message when they watch a video, compared to 10% when they read it in text. Now, how does this translate to marketing success for your law firm?

You can leave a lasting impression in the minds of potential clients by using videos to share information on various legal topics, case studies, and services you render. Verifiable client testimonials shared on videos can also help convince prospects that you’re the real deal. 

Using videos to market your law firm and share valuable insights means potential clients will remember you when it’s time to hire a solicitor. You can even become the first on their list of solicitors to contact.

6. Boost conversion rate:

Incorporating videos into your landing page can help to improve your conversion rate. In other words, more visitors will convert to paying clients, ensuring your law firm generates more revenue. 

Videos are highly shareable. Therefore, when you create high-quality and valuable content, you’ll record massive social shares. Your videos will reach people you ordinarily wouldn’t have been able to reach on your own. That’s the power of video marketing. 

If your content is informative, high-quality, and impressive, people will share it on their pages. It costs nothing to share a social media post, not even a byte from one’s storage. 

Actionable Tip: Create high-quality videos. Even if you’re using a mobile phone with a high-quality camera to record your videos (which most content creators do these days), make sure you edit your videos thoroughly.

You can get an expert to edit your videos professionally. Get rid of noise and mistakes that can hamper the quality of your videos. 

Your videos should reflect your brand’s professionalism. Another thing to have in mind is that videos with errors can create a negative impression in the minds of prospects towards your law firm. 

7. Build trust and credibility: 

Trust is the foundation of every successful business. It’s also an important factor in the legal industry. Prospects will only hire solicitors they trust. That’s because they are confident that hiring such a person will improve their chances of winning their cases. 

How do you build trust and credibility with video marketing? It’s simple, and you can create insightful and high-quality videos. Create videos of you providing insights into legal topics, case studies, and more. 

Potential clients watching your videos are noting your points. But they are also doing other things. They are gauging confidence, knowledge, personality, expertise, and approachability from your videos. 

Research by Animoto shows the efficacy of video marketing for businesses, not only for law firms. The study indicates that 73% of consumers claim that they are more likely to buy after watching a video that explains the products or services. 

So, provide quality videos explaining your legal services and answering prospects’ questions. You can create different types of video content to target your audience. 

Videos will help potential clients to gain trust in your law firm. A potential client who is confident in your law firm won’t have doubt when it comes to hiring or recommending your law firm to others in need of legal services.  

8: Educate clients and improve your brand’s reputation:

Law and legal matters can sometimes be very confusing. In the same vein, legal topics are highly sensitive. It’s easier to break the law if you don’t understand the law. Similarly, a person who doesn’t know their rights may likely face oppression in society.

We live in a wonderful society where most people don’t have regard for the law because of a lack of knowledge but may choose to maintain decorum when they know they are dealing with someone who knows the law. 

For this reason, law firms can use their platforms to educate their clients and establish themselves as an industry leader. Using videos, you can break down complex legal terms into easily digestible information for prospects.

Research shows that 68% of consumers prefer to watch videos to learn something new or solve a problem. However, 15% prefer reading texts. 

You can target the 68% of consumers who like watching videos by creating quality and valuable content. When you publish useful content consistently, you’ll become the go-to law firm for information regarding legal topics in your practice area. 

Actionable Tip: Consistency is highly crucial in video marketing. It doesn’t make sense to create multiple videos in one month and stay idle for the next month. 

Have a schedule for publishing videos and stick to that schedule. When you’re consistent with when you publish your content, your clients will know when to expect your content. This will help drive your engagements and give the search engine a reason to rank your videos higher.

YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and other social media platforms have algorithms that rank content. These algorithms consider various factors when ranking videos, one of them being engagement. 

The Various Types of Videos For Legal Firms

Now that we have discussed the impact video marketing can have on your law firm, let’s discuss the various types of video marketing you can implement to achieve online success. 

1. Brand awareness videos:

These types of videos don’t need any explanation, as they are popular. Every brand has a story, and potential clients are always eager to hear that story. 

You can use brand awareness videos to share your brand’s story. Let potential clients know the person behind the brand. 

Here are messages you can capture in your brand awareness videos. 

  • Tell your personal story.
  • Explain who your legal firm is.
  • State your law firm’s mission.
  • State the culture of your law firm
  • Let prospects know what you do (your legal services)
  • Explain how you make the lives of potential clients better. 

Note that this type of video isn’t an avenue for you to brag about how great you are or how big your firm is. Instead, use it to tell prospects where you’re coming from and where you’re headed. Let people know who you are, and be the judge of your greatness. 

2. Information-packed videos for search:

In these types of videos, the focus is to educate potential clients. People are seeking simpler explanations for complex legal terms. 

So, use videos to explain complex and difficult legal terms. Make it easier for potential clients to understand their rights in specific cases, including steps they can take. 

Here are some concepts for these types of videos. 

  • You can create videos explaining several legal terminologies. Several legal terminologies out there confuse clients. You can create a video explaining each one by one, with examples. This way, people watching your videos will understand and remember the terminologies easily.
  • Let people know the steps they can take in certain situations. Inform them about vital pieces of evidence to preserve in order to boost their chances of winning the legal battle. 
  • Provide insights into popular legal myths. By debunking such misleading legal myths, you can position your law firm as the go-to source of information. 

3. Solicitor profile videos:

It’s important to put a face to your law firm. Let potential clients know the people running the firm.

Your law firm isn’t going to represent clients in the courtroom. Your firm is just a brand, a structure with a name. Your lawyers are the ones who will represent clients in court. 

So, create profile videos showcasing the key figures in your law firm. Let potential clients know who will likely represent them in court. 

You don’t have to upload videos of everyone in your firm. Just upload videos of a few key figures in the law firm to show prospects that you have capable hands to handle their legal matters. 

In the profile videos, you can state the expertise and qualifications of the lawyers. Just focus on what makes the lawyers whose profiles you uploaded unique. Let them tell their unique stories.

When you create profile videos, you’re letting potential clients know that there are real people behind your law firm. However, ensure your profile videos are top-notch. You need to edit them thoroughly to avoid sending the wrong signals about your firm to prospects. 

4. Client review/testimonials videos:

Did you know most people read reviews before purchasing a product or service? This makes reviews a highly efficient marketing tool. 

Reviews or testimonials can help your law firm to build solid social proof. It involves having your previous clients share their experiences working with you. 

Since the testimonials are from independent parties, prospects will feel more confident when hiring you. 

Actionable Tip: Testimonials can be a powerful tool to improve your firm’s online reputation and attract new clients. However, it’s essential to ensure that your reviews are genuine. Don’t influence the client testimonials. 

5. YouTube channel videos:

Do you have a YouTube channel? If you don’t, it’s never too late to create one. While posting videos on traditional social media platforms is an effective strategy to attract more clients, YouTube is a must-have.

What makes YouTube important? First, YouTube is the largest video-based platform in the world. Secondly, it’s the second most visited search engine, behind Google. 

It’s important to build a following. And that’s possible on platforms like YouTube. You can build a loyal following on YouTube that will benefit your law firm. You can get high social shares from your followers. 

So, it’s important to have a YouTube channel to market your law firm. But ensure you’re consistent and strategic with your video marketing strategy on YouTube. 

To grow your subscribers, it’s important to understand YouTube SEO and share relevant posts. Additionally, YouTube shorts can serve as a valuable strategy to improve your subscribers. 

YouTube shorts comprise videos that are 60 seconds long or less. You can create YouTube shorts from your main videos. 

Actionable Tip: You can grow your YouTube subscribers with this simple strategy. Cut out the most interesting part of your main video (60 seconds long or less). Upload it to your YouTube shorts. Paste the link to the full video in the comment section and ask visitors to watch the full video by clicking on the link.

It’s also important to post regularly. Even if you aren’t creating main videos, post shorts regularly.

6. Social media video ad campaign:

Law firms that want to run adverts that will generate a better return on investment should incorporate videos in their ads. In addition to brand awareness, videos will help to create engagement and reach. 

However, be prepared to test your video ad campaigns to know which is the most effective. 

How To Perform Video Marketing For Law Firms

We have discussed the benefits and types of video marketing for law firms. Now, let’s discuss how to perform video marketing for your law firm. 

1. Have a specific goal:

Your first step should be to create a goal. State what you want to achieve with your video marketing strategy. Do you want to generate new business, educate, or build brand awareness? Be specific with your goals. 

Your goals should help you draw the line between success and failure. It will help you determine when your video marketing strategy is successful or not. 

2. Start in-depth competitive research:

Competitive research is important. It will help you stay a step ahead of your competitors. 

Learn about your competitors’ video marketing strategies. You can compare their strategy with yours to know what you need to change to get results.  

3. Know your audience:

Now that you have conducted competitive research, it’s time to focus on your audience. Your audience is those who will show interest in your videos. Remember, not everyone will appreciate your videos. 

Using analytics, you can learn about your audience. Use analytics like age, location, interests, and gender. 

When you know who your audience is, you can create the right content to target them. That way, you’ll get better engagement and achieve your marketing goals. 

4. Conduct keyword research:

Keywords can serve two purposes in your video marketing strategies – to guide you on the content to create and for SEO. 

On platforms like YouTube, keyword usage is essential. The algorithm uses keywords and other metrics to decide where to rank videos. 

5. Monitor the performance of your video campaigns:

Whether you’re using a paid advertising or organic video marketing strategy, it’s important to monitor the performance of your videos. Social media platforms have made it easier for users to track the performances of their videos using advanced analytical tools. 

So, track the performance of your videos to know strategies that are working and the ones that aren’t yielding results. 


Video marketing for law firms is an effective strategy to create brand awareness, engagement and attract new business. You can establish yourself as an industry leader by publishing quality and informative videos. 

We have explained the various types of videos you can create to market your legal firm to potential clients. These include brand awareness, profiles, and informative videos. 

With the right videos, your law firm will become the source of information for potential clients in your geographical area. Implement the tips in this post to reach a wider audience and generate new businesses. 



Julhas Alam

Julhas Alam is a seasoned SEO strategist and the leading voice behind the insightful articles at LawFirmSEOExpert.com. With a rich background in digital marketing and a specialized focus on the legal sector, Julhas combines industry expertise with a deep understanding of SEO to deliver actionable insights and strategies tailored for law firms. Holding a passion for data-driven results and cutting-edge SEO techniques, Julhas has been instrumental in boosting online visibility and client acquisition for numerous law practices. When not dissecting search engine algorithms or exploring the latest digital marketing trends, Julhas enjoys reading success stories of other businesses, adding a personal touch to their professional acumen.