Have you thought about how to make a law firm marketing plan to grow your business? If you haven’t, or you have, but aren’t hitting your marketing goals, this post is for you. Every business needs a marketing plan. Your law firm needs a marketing...
No law school will teach you how to get clients as a lawyer. You have to learn it on your own or hire an expert to handle the marketing part of your business. You need clients. Every law firm does. You need clients to hire you so that you can...
So, what is law firm marketing? Is it important? We are going to dissect this question and share ideas on how you can attract clients to your law firm. If you own a law firm, don’t give legal marketing less attention. Why? Your law firm is a business and...
If your law firm isn’t getting clients online, a law firm SEO advisor is who you need. SEO advisors or consultants are like superheroes. They remove the guesses and help you identify effective strategies you can deploy to achieve your SEO goals. Reports have...
Understanding how to use SEO for a law firm is a great step for lawyers. SEO can take your legal practice to another level. According to a Google Consumer Survey, 96% of people seeking legal advice use search engines. According to FindLaw U.S Consumer Legal...